the BOX
an online literary journal for early and emerging poets
Rebecca Collins, Editor
Anyone anywhere who is 18 years and older and unpublished, self-published, or published through independent editors or literary journals may submit. Those published through traditional publishing houses may not submit; this is to ensure early and emerging talent is highlighted.
OtB seeks diversity in every aspect: place, ethnicity, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, faith, etc.
Book two—up to 10 haiku
3 lines, 5-7-5 syllabic pattern, all lowercase
simple observations of nature (no literary devices), preferably with a seasonal word
pause or pause-word at the end of the first or second line, no punctuation otherwise
regular Books—up to 6 poems in other forms including prose poetry
original: no AI
unpublished—those published on only social media will be considered
in English—if you incorporate words in other languages, include translations in an author's note; if you write in another language, translations into English of your own work with translator credits are accepted
no hate toward others, explicit sexual content, or profanity (abbreviations and substitutions for the latter are fine)
maximum 1.5 pages per poem single-spaced
page break (ctrl+ enter) between poems, enter between lines, if applicable tab to indent lines
If you are low-income, include that and a request for a fee waiver in your submission email (see "SUBMITTING" below).
paid submission (nonrefundable)
$3 US per category (so $6 US for both categories). All currencies are accepted since the link (secure through Square) takes Apple Pay, Google Pay, or major credit card (see exchange rates online). Please go to https://square.link/u/seAbJhYI and enter the total payment for the number of categories to which you are submitting.
1 Word document per category
optional, and for submissions to regular Books only: author's note (required in the case of foreign words above) and/or bio (writing history/accomplishments)
email body
name and if applicable pen name
the country you are from or identify with (for diversity-tracking purposes)
your X handle (if on X, which is recommended) and any other social-media handles that you would like on X if your work is accepted
Send to outsidetheboxpoetry@gmail.com.
Submissions are ongoing. The response and posting time is 1 week. Due to the quick turnaround, withdrawals and simultaneous submissions are not allowed.
Per accepted poet, up to 3 haiku or 1 poem in another form will be published on this site. The maximum per book is 30 sets of haiku and 25 poems in other forms.
Please skip 2 regular books before submitting again: if your poem is in "one", skip "three" and "four". Poets in the regular Books may submit to Book two and vice versa.
Outside the Box Poetry gets first rights, meaning it has the right to first publish a work as well as maintain it on this site and share it for the purpose of literary exposure (e.g., on X). Rights will revert to authors upon publication; if a poem in OtB is then published elsewhere, include a note acknowledging Outside the Box as the first publisher.
PAYMENT (not money, but exposure)
OtB has over 400 followers and counting, most from the literary world, including organizations and other journals. A link to each published poem with a brief note on it will be posted, and the post will be highlighted until the book is complete and the next is started (exceptions: the last poems in a book will be highlighted at least 1 week, and poets in Book two will be highlighted alongside poets in other books and vice versa).
Poems published in OtB before 15 November will be considered (to ensure nominations arrive before Pushcart's 1 December deadline).
© JULY 2024 Outside the Box Poetry
No part of this site may be stored, copied, printed, posted, or transmitted without written permission from the editor.